
The Tibet Film Festival 2009 opens in London in early March with a range of inspiring and challenging and films, including some of the most recent material to emerge on the Tibet issue over the last year. The festival then goes on tour to Oxford, Exeter, Newcastle, Southampton, Sheffield, Glasgow, Hebden Bridge, Nottingham, Edinburgh, Bristol and Manchester between March and May. This March will mark the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising against China’s rule and 50 years in exile for the Tibetan exile community.

2008 was a crucial year for Tibet and the Tibetan people, evidenced by the widespread protests against China’s rule which took place in Tibet and in exile, and against this backdrop a wealth of poignant material has emerged.This is a significant body of work exploring the many diverse and intricate aspects of the Tibet issue, whilst equally seeking to stimulate broader discussions on human rights, conflict, freedom and cultural identity within a global context. The programme includes a number of UK premieres as well as other rarely seen material together with a range of special events and director talks making for a diverse and thought-provoking festival.

The rich and vibrant Tibetan culture is a part of our common world heritage and has the potential to serve humanity at large. In view of the gravity of the situation in Tibet and the challenges faced by Tibetans, we welcome your thoughts, prayers and support in helping us to fulfil the humane needs of the Tibetan people and in our continued efforts to sustain and keep the Tibetan culture alive.

We would especially like to thank the Birthday House Trust and Mr Hylton Murray-Philipson for their kind donations in support of the Tibet Film Festival 2009.

We look forward to seeing you at our events shortly.

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